Sunday 21 August 2022

The WA Ride Park will be open on Sunday 21 August 2022.

Bookings are essential. Every individual over 18 will need to book in separately. If you are a family group of Dad, Mum & kids, you can fit 2 riding adults and 4 riding kids per form.

Please note that any child under 18 years of age must be fully supervised by a parent or suitable guardian.  If you are bringing children who are not your own, their parents must book their own child in and the parents details need to go into the Adult rider section and also state who their child’s guardian will be while at the Park.  It is very important that the signed paperwork be presented on arrival, as the

Your Booking & Indemnity Forms will be emailed to you, please print off and bring them with you so the Indemnity can be signed together on arrival. Please check your Junk Folder if they don’t arrive in your Inbox.

The WARP family looks forward to having you visit our awesome off-road venue!

Bookings close at 9:30am AWST Sunday 21 August 2022 if not booked out prior.



Bookings are closed for this event.